Frequently Asked Questions

Ditto 101

What is Ditto?
What is Nostr?
How is this different from Soapbox on the Fediverse?
What makes Ditto different from other Nostr clients?
What features does Ditto have?
How can I find a Ditto community to join?
Is Ditto Open Source?

Using Ditto

How do I log in to Ditto?
How do I request a username?
How do I add a lightning address?
How do I use Ditto on Android/iOS?
Can I use other Nostr apps with my Ditto account?
How do I submit an issue?

Hosting Ditto

Can Ditto be self-hosted?
What technical skills do I need to self-host a Ditto community?
What is the recommended hardware to run Ditto?
How do I customize the theme of my Ditto community?
How do users join my new Ditto community?
How do I populate content in my new Ditto community?
How do I moderate content on my Ditto community?